Showing posts with label buy shop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label buy shop. Show all posts

Monday, July 26, 2021

I Gave In To Consumerism

I got my check from work last Friday. I went out to the mall and Best Buy and bought a bunch of stuff that I don't need. *Sigh* How foolish! I gave in to the American way of consumerism. I learned that the temporary high of buying a ton of stuff I don't need quickly wears off and you are left with a vapid and dull aftertaste. I bought an iPhone 12 with unlimited data, HBO Max, and I also bought some shoes and more stuff for my computer. I didn't need any of it, of course. In my head, however, I had a justification for everything I was buying. What am I to do if I'm not going out buying things I don't need? Isn't that what living is? This is what we have been indoctrinated to believe at a very young age here in America! Well, there are plenty of things I could have done. I have a lot of books here in my apartment that I've always meant to get around to read. Instead, I thought of more books to buy on Amazon. Or, I could have spent that money to pay off part of the loan I took out from my bank a cuople weeks ago! Oh well, lesson learned. I've revised to do better. I won't buy with my next work check those new Ray Ban sunglasses I looked at on I won't buy more clothing from VANS. I won't go back to the mall for a while.