Showing posts with label debt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label debt. Show all posts

Friday, August 6, 2021

If I Was Given $20,000...

You hear people ask the question, if someone gave you a million dollars what would you do with it?  The idea is, as we all know, that what you would do with a million dollars is what you should be doing for a living.  This question is asked to find out what you should do with your life.  If you would travel if given a million dollars, then you should travel for a living, a truck driver or flight attendent.  Or, you'll hear people ask, if you were given $1,000 what would you do with it?  The idea of this is to figure out the best way to maximize and manage what money you do get.  But, I have been thinking.. if I was given $20,000 what would I do with it.  I mean, who knows, maybe I can win 20 large at the casino.  But, if I got 20 large, I'll tell you what I wouldn't do.  I wouldn't buy a new car.  New cars tend to turn in to pieces of junk 5- 10 years later, and you end up being left with next to nothing.  

If I was given $20,000 I would spend about $2,200 - $3,000 on some flashy clothes and a little bit of gold jewelry.  I'm a bit of a dapper (sort of).  I would spend close to that much to pay off some debt that I owe.  Now, I have about $15,000.  With that, I could buy residency in Thailand.  But, I'm not sure that's what I would do with it... maybe, but probably not.  I would probably then put around $10,000 in my brokerage account and invest in some REITs to get a few hundred dollars in returns every so-often.  Half of what is left would be spent on some computer hardware and software and the other half (about $2,000 - $3,000) would sit in my bank account for emergency funds.  

If I had $20,000 ...I imagine that's what I would do with it.  

I got my Cultured Monk Media business cards yesterday that I ordered from VistaPrint.  Groovy!

- Lizzi